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Mayor H.L. Beam Received NC Main Street Champion Award

(GOLDSBORO) Cherryville Mayor H.L. Beam was honored March 14th as a NC Main Street Champion by the NC Main Street and Rural Planning Center at their annual statewide meeting last week in Goldsboro.


Beam was one 40 recipients and joins past Cherryville honorees Jean Skibo, Andy West, Sherry Bingham, Bob Barker, and Vickie Spurling.


Beam’s citation read


Downtown Cherryville has blossomed in the last decade and its gleaming new streetscape beckons visitors. Old buildings are transforming and new businesses are popping up.  No one is more responsible for this success than Cherryville’s Mayor H.L. Beam. Through change and challenges, H.L. is a trusted voice and never stops advocating for his beloved hometown. He is always there – in forums large and small – advocating for the city’s bright future. H.L.’s passionate advocacy and steady leadership united Cherryville’s leaders and her citizens through challenging times.


Together, they helped merchants weather the Covid-19 pandemic and together also passed a multi­ million­ dollar bond issue for revitalization. They kept downtown alive during the 17 months of construction and revitalization of Main Street. And, last year, together, they celebrated the grand opening of Cherryville’s beautiful new Main Street.


The award ceremony culminated the three-day meeting where over 800 NC leaders attended workshops to help them spur economic growth in their communities by preserving and revitalizing their historic city centers.


This year’s Cherryville team was Donna Beringer, Chair of the Cherryville Main Street Program and David Day, Downtown Director.  On hand for the closing honors ceremony were Beam and Cherryville City Manager Brian Dalton.

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