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Water Treatment & Waste Water Treatment

Water Treatment


The John M. McGinnis Water Treatment Facility was built in 1963. Originally constructed as a 1.5 million gallons per day plant, in 1974 it was expanded to treat up to 3.2 million gallons per day.

The City maintains two elevated storage tanks with a combined capacity of 2 million gallons for finished water storage and maintains a raw water reservoir with a storage capacity of 10 million gallons. The plant provides safe drinking water to all residents of the City as well as some areas outside the corporate limits.

Annual, quarterly, monthly, daily, and hourly tests are run on the water to assure the best drinking water for our citizens. The plant is operated 365 days per year and the water produced at the plant has won awards from the North Carolina Rural Water Association for taste.

2020 Annual Drinking Water Quality Report

Waste Water Treatment


In the 1960's Cherryville had only three treatment ponds located throughout the City to treat their wastewater. In 1981, Cherryville built its first and only wastewater treatment plant.


This facility is located on Tot Dellinger Road just outside the city limits beside the Water Plant. The Plant is an activated sludge plant designed to treat 2 million gallons per day. This facility discharges it into Indian Creek below the dam. The biosolids generated by the facility are land applied to farmland near the plant. These biosolids serve as fertilizer for local farmers to grow their crops.


This facility also has its own State Certified Lab (#164), where plant samples and State required parameters are run daily.


The North Carolina Department of Environment Health and Natural Resources inspects this facility annually.


Cherryville WWTP is responsible for treatment of domestic, industrial and commercial wastewater that must adhere to all State and Federal regulations and permits relating to Indian Creek.











Mission Statement

"To protect public health and the environment for our City by providing high quality wastewater treatment services in an effective, efficient, and responsive manner. To always meet State regulations and stay in compliance with the plant's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination (NPDES) permit."

Bryan Williams Updated.jpg

Bryan Williams
Water Treatment Plant Director / ORC
812 Tot Dellinger Road,

Cherryville, NC

Phone: (704) 435-1738

Chris Heedick
Waste Water Treatment Plant Director Plant D/ORC
736 Tot Dellinger Rd.

Cherryville, NC 28021

Phone: (704) 435-1739
Fax: (704) 435-1713

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